Preventing Diabetes: What You Need To Know

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 29 million individuals in American that have diabetes. Unfortunately, 25 percent of those individuals have no clue. Then, there are another 86 million individuals who have what is considered prediabetes, which is where their blood sugar levels are above normal though not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes just yet. If these individuals do not follow strict guidelines regarding exercise, weight loss, and diet, roughly 15 to 30 percent of them will develop type 2 diabetes within just five years.

The good news is that you can prevent type 2 diabetes—if you know how. So, here are a few things you need to know about diabetes prevention.

Eliminate Sugar-Laden Beverages

Because obesity is strongly correlated with diabetes, it is a good idea to cut sugar-sweetened beverages from your diet as early in life as possible. Drink water instead. Sure, it is okay to indulge every now and then, but the less often you drink them, the less of a risk you will have of developing the disease.

Increase the Variety of Fruits and Vegetables You Eat

It is always a good idea to reduce refined carbs from your diet, in addition to foods that are rich in sugar, saturated fat, and trans fat, and when you do this, you should also start trying to eat more of a variety of fruits and vegetables. Some people only eat certain fruits and veggies, and if you are one of these people, try to expand your horizons a bit. Research shows that a larger quantity and variety of fruits and vegetables can reduce your overall diabetes risk.

Move Your Body More

Whether you are not exercising at all or not enough, it is crucial that you start exercising if you want to prevent diabetes because physical inactivity can greatly increase the risk of developing diabetes. Exercise doesn't mean that you have to hit the gym every day or run a five-mile marathon; in fact, brisk walking a few days a week will suffice.

See Your Doctor Regularly

Believe it or not, the warning signs for type 2 diabetes aren't as dramatic as the signs of type 1 diabetes, which means you may not even realize that you have developed the condition. For that reason, it is important that you visit your primary care physician regularly for well checkups. This will allow him or her to catch the disease early on and begin treatment.

Contact a clinic, like Snow Creek Medical Center, for more help.
