Signs Your IUD May Be Missing In Action

Most women must make a decision at some point in their life regarding what kind of birth control method they want to use. Many women also decide to try a different method depending on ease of use and life changes, such as growing older and wanting less hormones. An intrauterine device (IUD) is an ideal method for those who don't want the daily responsibility of remembering to take a pill or having to deal with a condom for each sexual encounter.

Like most methods, an IUD is not without its risks, however. One risk is that the intrauterine device can become displaced, and as a result, essentially "misplaced," becoming lost somewhere else in the body. Here are four symptoms you may experience if your IUD has migrated.

Your Strings Feel Different Or Have Disappeared

An intrauterine device is inserted into your cervix and is usually held in place there. After it is inserted, most gynecologist will have you return in a couple of weeks to make sure it is still where it needs to be. After that, a yearly checkup should suffice unless you notice something different.

One of those differences is the strings that come from the IUD and hang out of the cervix into the vaginal cavity. When most women wash themselves, they can feel these strings. However, if the strings feel shorter than normal or they have disappeared altogether, the intrauterine device has shifted in the uterus. This requires your gynecologist going on a "search and rescue" mission to find it and re-place it to the proper position.

You Can Feel The IUD Itself

When an intrauterine device is properly placed, you can't feel its presence. Feeling it means it has shifted position. This may also cause cramping and spotting as your uterus tries to eject it from the cervix.

You Feel Bladder Irritation

Depending on how the IUD has shifted, it's not uncommon to feel as though you are on the brink of a urinary tract infection, with reduced urine output, having to urinate more frequently, and general malaise.

Sex Feels Different

An IUD that isn't it the correct position may cause pain during intercourse. Your partner may also feel something that doesn't feel the way he is accustomed to it feeling. This may be because the intrauterine device is trying to work its way out of the cervix or has even entered the vaginal cavity.

Contact a clinic, like Naples OBGYN, for more help.
