Eat Your Way To Good Vision And Eye Health

Preserve your vision as you age and prevent conditions that can affect your eyesight, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration. The simplest way to do this is to eat a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals that provide good eye health. Make sure to read the labels of multi-vitamins to ensure you are getting plenty of these vision-friendly supplements in your daily diet.

Some important vitamins and minerals for your eyes are:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Zinc.
  • Lutein.
  • Fatty acids.

Some foods that provide the minerals you need for good eye health include:

  • Vegetables. If you think that carrots are all that you need to maintain vision, think again. While carrots are rich in Vitamin A, you can also get this important nutrient from leafy greens like kale, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and spinach, which also contains lutein. Green peppers, broccoli, and potatoes are rich in Vitamin C, which is also good for your eyes.
  • Dairy. Dairy products, such as egg yolks and cottage cheese, provide plenty of Vitamin A, which is excellent for preserving vision. Eggs also contain a lot of zinc, which has numerous health benefits, particularly for children, including helping growth and healing wounds.
  • Fresh fruit. Fresh fruits like citrus and kiwi are also rich in Vitamin C, so eat up!
  • Whole grains. Grains and seeds are full of Vitamin E and zinc; wheat germ is super-rich in Vitamin E, so sprinkle some on your cereal or in yogurt daily.
  • Fish. Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent dry eyes, and they fight macular degeneration and cataracts. Eating fish is an effective way to get these nutrients. Opt for oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, which also contain a significant amount of zinc.  
  • Oil. Don't omit oils from your daily diet; sunflower and corn oil are rich in fatty acids that can preserve vision and fight conditions that jeopardize your vision. Also, Vegetable oil is a rich source of Vitamin E.
  • Meat and poultry. Incorporate lean cuts of meat and poultry in your diet, as these are rich in zinc, as well as being great sources of protein.

Make the necessary changes to your daily diet to prevent conditions that could impact the health of your eyes, as well as to preserve your vision as you age. Your eye doctor can conduct testing to identify any risk factors or predisposition to eye issues and conditions. Use these suggestions and eat a diet rich in eye vitamins for macular degeneration, minerals, and fatty acids to maintain your eyesight for many years to come.
